Bring It Together
Sometimes comments that are played off as a joke can have a sexual message that crosses the line into bullying. It can make a girl second guess who she is, question how she looks, and feel bad about her own body. Learning how to recognize sexual bullying and respond to it while staying confident can have lasting effects on you and those around you.
- Sexual bullying can include both physical and verbal actions.
- Sexual bullying is usually directed at a girl’s body and can make her feel self-conscious and embarrassed.
- Bystanders, never blame the victim for being bullied! If you see sexual bullying pay attention to the victim, comfort them or encourage them to tell an adult.
It starts with you:
Bystanders, learning more about how to be a better friend can prepare you to support victims of bullying. This link will give you specific tips and ideas on improving your listening and friendship skills in respect to bullying.
Click here to lean about how to be a better friend (DOC).
Check yourself:
Are you part of the solution or part of the problem? Take our sexual bullying quiz (DOC) and find out if you may be a bully.
If you think you are a bully click here to learn steps to change (DOC).
Let's take a look at what happens next in Recognize Relational Bullying →